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Are you a recruitment agency?

No. Nerd Werk is an independent, online job board for STEM (Science Technology Math Engineering) professionals. 

Is Nerd Werk free for job seekers? 

Yes. Our revenue is generated when employers pay to advertise their jobs to attract STEM professionals. We do not earn commission when you apply for a job on our site.

How do I use Nerd Werk to find my next job? 

Nerd Werk is designed as a central hub for all STEM related roles. You can use the over 30 STEM related categories (covering everything from Mechanical and Electrical through to Nuclear, Ceramic , etc) to narrow your search for jobs you might be interested in. Furthermore, you can create a job seeker account to save and track your jobs and create personalized job alerts. 

Why should I set up a job alert?

By creating a personalized job alert you can put your STEM job search on autopilot. You will receive specific job emails either once or twice a week, refined by location and job function.  

Is my data confidential and private from employers?

Yes, your data is confidential and can remain hidden from employers. However, you have the option of making your profile visible to employers if you choose. 

As an employer, why should I advertise on Nerd Werk? 

Nerd Werk is a cost effective and targeted way to reach skilled STEM talent. Your advertised jobs will reach the right audience without the noise and competition of larger job portals.

I'd love to get in touch, what is the best way?

We're always keen to chat! reach out at :)