Impostor syndrome is a common feeling among professionals, where they believe they don't belong or deserve their success and fear being exposed as a fraud. It doesn't discriminate, affecting individuals from Nobel laureates to graduate students, particularly when advancing into new roles or reaching significant milestones.
Recognizing and eliminating impostor syndrome requires a plan. Firstly, acknowledge that you're in control. This feeling is a fabrication based on assumptions and opinions, not facts, and is internal. Therefore, you can take action to overcome it, giving you power.
Next, accept and identify the emotions associated with impostor syndrome, such as insecurity, fear, confusion, anxiety, depression, frustration, and anger. Write them down to better understand their impact on you.
To overcome impostor syndrome, vent your anger and frustration towards it, not yourself. Ask why you don't belong and are a fraud, then review your professional record of achievements, such as projects, skills, and problem-solving, to counteract your negative thoughts.
Consider others who have accomplished similar feats and how they may have had similar doubts and fears. This can provide encouragement and motivation.
Take action to maintain momentum and prove to yourself that you're capable, even if it's a small step like analyzing a dataset, writing a manuscript, or reaching out to a potential collaborator.
Lastly, be kind to yourself. Overcoming impostor syndrome takes courage, guts, fortitude, and agility. Remind yourself that you belong, you're not a fraud, and you've made it this far because you're capable. Praise yourself when you successfully combat impostor syndrome, but don't be too hard on yourself if it resurfaces. Repeat the process, and over time it will become easier to fight.